Before you contact us about adoption, you should know about the types of dogs that enter our program and the reasons they are relinquished.
- WRN rarely receives dogs under 3 years of age
Most are 5 to 8 years old and a substantial number are senior dogs over 9. All surrendered dogs receive full veterinary exams and senior Westies receive geriatric exams to ensure their good health before they are made available for adoption. When younger dogs (<3 years old) come into our program, it is our policy to place them with people who have offered their homes and hearts to adult Westies in the past. If you require a very young dog, we are not a good resource for you.
- Most Westies in our program are owner relinquishments
Although this can be an advantage because it allows us to learn a good deal about the dog, it is also true that people don't surrender their pets when everything is going well. They give them up for many reasons, the most common of which are:
- Dog's behavior or health issues (48%)
- Owner's health issues (26%)
- Financial hardship (13%)
- Other, including lack of time (13%)
Besides owner surrenders, the rest of the Westies in our program are transferred to us from local animal shelters. We maintain important and close ties to shelters in our area to ensure that Westies that might not otherwise be adopted have an opportunity to find their forever homes.
Our foster parents work with our rescued dogs to deal with both health and behavior issues before we make them available for adoption. However, although they are wonderful and loving additions to our families and lives, all rescues go through a period of adjustment and require patience and continuity of training and care. Our adopting and foster families know that it is all worth the effort for the joy a rescued Westie adds to your life.